Monday, October 25, 2021

 The Blossom Dearie Tribute recording project is well on its way! Sharon Sable and I have made several trips to Morningstar Studios, near Philadelphia, enjoying both the process and the progress. Finishing and releasing a recording is not the end game, though. In our vision, it is more a first step. We are pleased to have our initial tribute show (live, in person) performance next week, on November 3, in Rehoboth, sponsored by the True Blue Jazz Festival. There is both the potential and the expectation of this being an ongiong and evolving thing. There is much material to explore as we go forward. But we feel we're off to a strong start and are looking forward to getting the new recording out to you early next year. You can follow us on our dedicated Blossom Dearie Project Facebook page. Looking foward to what's to come   :)