Sunday, October 27, 2024

Wrote this in my personal journal this morning (sort of):

Use fewer notes. Use far fewer notes. Wait for the space to open before attempting to play. Allow the notes/melody/music to come from my heart (or beyond) and not from my head. At this point, allow a greater quantity of notes to come, if they want to, so long as I remain an observer in the process. Recognize when I am navigating; weaving my way through something, with my primary focus on what is directly in front of me, and less so on the context, or the direction it is travelling. If so, stop, wait... Recognize when my emotions are steering me, rather than responding to me (may need to further reflect on this one to feel that I’m stating it properly). When overwhelmed, be still (It will very likely seem longer than it actually takes, if I’m actually still).

Although this (above) was where I was going, as I was writing, I actually wrote these words: 

Use fewer words. Use far fewer words. Wait for the space to open before attempting to speak. Allow the words to come from my heart (or beyond) and not from my head. At this point, allow a greater quantity of words to come, if they want to, so long as I remain an observer in the process. Recognize when I am navigating; weaving my way through something, with my primary focus on what is directly in front of me, and less so on the context, or the direction it is travelling. Recognize when my emotions are steering me, rather than responding to me (may need to further reflect on this one to feel that I’m stating it properly). When overwhelmed, be still (It will very likely seem longer than it actually takes, if I’m actually still).

For me, it's the same process. One defines the other. Everything I've needed to know in life, I've learned (and continue to learn) at the piano. If I can grow, even seemingly the tiniest bit, every day, then I'm travelling in the direction that I'm supposed to be.  :)


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