Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Listening to a recent livestream of one of my Mainstay First Friday concerts, I heard myself say, on mic: "All of my straight lines are circles". Hearing something come out of my mouth like that can take something from the pondering (understood in my heart) space and deposit it in another part of my brain, allowing me to say, "Yes, of course!", like I just taught myself something. And actually, I have. We can be our own best teachers, once we listen to ourselves after listening beyond ourselves. And having no straight lines can describe (in addition to everything else in my life), my approach to this journal/blog. This results in many posts in progress (aka: unfinished) concurrently. Then, at whatever the right moment winds up being, some inspiration or realization comes, adding the context that brings the previously isolated thought into proper focus. The entry below has been sitting in my drafts for months, waiting to be properly framed. Well, here goes: The last couple of entries in this blog have opened the window (just a little) to my current circumstance of my life, in many regards, being in flux, or perhaps better, suspended above ground. I have no anxiety over this, knowing it is a story being written. As such, I feel the paradox of everything being out of place and disheveled, and being centered in exactly the right place/space.
So this brings me to the musing in my drafts which I knew would eventually find it's way out, and into public view. Now's the time: 

A piano is a welcome sight; friendly, familiar, almost like home. Maybe it actually is home. Actually, of course it is. The piano is where I feel connected. Safe, even. And a portal to beyond. A place to untether. A place to unwind (as I untether). A place to be me. 
The piano is unique among instruments. a place where you can sit, alone, and have access to everything; the highest of highs, the lowest of lows, and a meticulous ordering of what is in between. The piano is where you can sit still, in one place, while at the same time be everywhere, and all at once. The piano is a place of solitude, and of connection (at least for me); with myself, with those around me, with God. The piano is home.




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