Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The bustle of "during", and the tranquility of "after" the "Women Helping Women" fund raising event at the Prince last Thursday. From the time of leaving the Midiri Brothers touring band (last October) until recently, I had just assumed (without challenging the idea) that continued travelling, this time solo, was my path. Am increasingly reminded, however, of the scope and breadth of opportunity (to serve others) in my own backyard.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It finally happened. Don't think this is easy, it has actually taken lots of practice on the Wii to get here. Back when I was bowling for real, I never quite made it. Came close, though, somewhere around 10 "279" games (11 strikes and one 9/spare from frames 2 to 9). All in practice, though, since by that time I was gigging every night and couldn't bowl in a sanctioned league anymore. Having the Wii has been a nice little distraction at home for a few minutes at a time (okay, sometimes as long as half an hour). Back in the real world...
From an e-mail to a friend earlier today:
"Our Women Helping Women (to be performed Thursday at the Prince - I am "musical director" this year) rehearsal was last night. A change this year in that individual presentations are replaced by group efforts. Solos exist only within/alongside of ensembles, and everyone participates. I'm surprised and pleased with how strong it is. Memories of my CCN (Chestertown Church of the Nazarene, where I served as Worship Arts Director) days, as groups self harmonize, and I scribble down my own chord chart as I hear a song for the first time. Did I tell you of my near uprooting last year to take a theatre gig in Cripple Creek Colorado? When I walked out last night into the sleepy town, I could imagine I was there, going home after another night at the theatre. Weird, but good. Also, I'm going to accept Steve's musical (Triumph of Love) for this fall at CHT (Church Hill Theatre). Have had some discouragements lately, and it's nice to be reminded of the joy of uplifting others through support and encouragement, and to be reminded of God's presence in the small places."
That last part keeps being driven home. It's a beautiful thing.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Back in October of '07, I copied in a Dave McKenna video, and now discover that it has been removed. Here is (I believe) the same video clip, reposted by someone else. Fortunately, there is now much more of Dave available on YouTube. Sadly, Dave passed last October ('08) at the age of 78. It may be starting to sink in that I am somewhat of a "spiritual descendant" of this approach to playing. It is also sinking in that, as I attempt to reach out to more of a "general public" audience through my "Piano Improvisation" concerts, that it is not the only road I am called to travel. There is also the "Seniors" audience, which has given me much opportunity over the last 15 years - the "Christian" audience, where there appears to remain a niche (even if a small one) for an arts-based approach, and - the "Jazz" audience. To be honest, the latter has fallen off my "radar screen"of late, but I now feel called to reevaluate, in light of recent events (within my life, and outside of it). I'll be more earnestly studying (and enjoying) Dave's music now, as I consider the void this wonderful (and humble) musician has left in the jazz community.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Ahhh! It didn't last long, but I was able to enjoy it briefly this morning. A snow scene, to me, is beauty and peace. Here in the (geographically) "humid sub-tropics", we have all four seasons, but more of a moderate winter. We can have mega snow storms, but have can also (though unusual) have entire winters with negligible snowfall. Enjoyed it while it lasted. Peace, be still, and know... Kind of like a "reminder", or a message. Appropriate after this emotional roller coaster weekend. All told, though, it was very good. Some nice YouTube posts are in the pipeline, and God (to my view) continues to lead.