God spaces. Or whatever terminology you choose. But if the "G" word is within you to use, then go there. Or be there. Years ago, the cable provider where we lived included a T.V. station that continuously played (Christian) praise music, accompanied by images of nature/creation; many of them stunning. I think I watched more of that channel than anything (not that I watch much television in the first place, but this just drew me in). Beauty, majesty, awe, wonder; these (along with other "places" like gratitude and compassion) pull our focus away from our own self centered places. And when we are not the center, that center (the universe) expands. Now to some of my Eastern friends, the directional imagery suggested by this may seem backwards. And to some of my Western (Christian) friends, the exhortation may seem insufficient, or vague.
But every path begins someplace. And in each of us, that place is wherever we are.
Job Descriptions

Learning curves for me are often long and jagged. I've known for a long time (as long as i can remember, really) that I keep too much on my plate. My to-do lists have to do lists (you think I'm kidding?). So, I've made a difficult, but necessary decision. Starting this month, I am devoting my performance efforts to the public realm (and concert/listening venues in particular). In order to do this right, I need to take myself seriously. Which includes listening to my own advise. I'll often say that this music business (for me) is (at least) 2 full time jobs, One: performance and preparation, and the other: administration product development and sales. So, starting this month, I have cleared (all of) my daytime working hours in order to stay close to home, and properly administer and prepare for what's in front of me. In the evenings (and throughout the weekend), I will perform, (with a few exceptions) in the public places. To pull this off, I am setting down my active music therapy work. This actually been a winding down/transition for some time, but it required me to own this last step. I will continue to provide music for seniors in care communities, from time to time on a volunteer basis. And now, I need to gather all of my dots and crosses. and own this path. I'm grateful for the opportunities that are coming my way.
Shown above is my picture, added to the wall of performers at the Manistay, in Rock Hall. This year I have been added to their (short) list of "legacy" performers This means increased performance opportunity there, including a annual concert (up until now, it's been every 3 or 4 years) of my choosing. This year I've invited Beth McDonald to join me for a specially themed jazz concert in October - see my schedule for info. And speaking of my schedule, I've a bunch of dates to add. But now, I will find the time; for that, and for better staying in touch (via my newsletters and blogs), and for following and keeping up with the to-do list.
And I do need an updated promo picture. I'll add it to the list.