Hmmm. A friend forwarded this to me today, and it works. From the point of (as a youth) responding to the prompting of God, until today, has seen the gradual (relatively speaking) "evolving" of my approach to, and understanding of the "Christian" faith. Years ago, I began feeling increasingly discomforted with wide-sweeping (doctrinal) dogmatism. This, to me was just the honest response to the reality that what we "understand", in detail, does re-form, at points, over time. However in the face of this (again, if we're honest), many proclaim their (current) understanding as TRUTH; uncompromisable, down to the last detail. The realization (again, years ago) that this is ultimately illogical (and not fully alive or human) helped to set me on the path on which I continue to travel. Only a few years ago did I finally sit under (and then serve with) a pastor who "allowed" (yes, encouraged) "thinking", (and the resultant "struggling") - because he was being honest as well. Does this mean "all truth is relative"? Not to God. Does this mean that I don't care what is (psychically - as opposed to metaphysically) true - no. It does mean, however, that the burden is off of me. God has a hold of me; the God who knows truth, and is truth. I no longer (at least in purpose) place any conditions on God, that He shape all things historical, eternal, metaphysical, and Holy to conform to my finite, flawed understanding of the moment. Of course, I do have understandings, and conclusions, and ideas, but these days, I try not to worship them. In a recent sermon (at a church that I occasionally visit) , I recall hearing "Jesus is both the means and the destination". Truth is God, and God is Truth. This is a real resting, to me, and a laying down of my "burden". Now some (who may not have an esoteric bent) will scoff at this. Here is where the writer on religion Huston Smith nails it: "Esoterics understand the need for exoterics, but the reverse does not hold".
"The Law of God doesn't change, no, but our perception of it is never static; it does and must change as the centuries pass. new study, new insights, new metaphors and new acknowledgements of past limitations can bring us closer to the living, breathing, and dynamic nature of Scripture as we seek to meet it's radical demands." - Anne Rice
See what you started, Jonathan!
I saw this article and thought of you, since it was about jazz music kind of. :)
Soon I plan on writing a blog (soon, as in once I'm done finals and all that stress) about the predominant Nazarene view of missions, and my thoughts about youth ministry, and other good stuff like that.
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