Monday, August 20, 2018

Music makes connections, in so many ways. I remember the day, 25 or so years ago, when it  became crystal clear, in an epiphany moment, that there was, indeed, a reason I was to make music. Up until that point, it was because I enjoyed it. And I could. And (for some strange reason) it seemed a reasonable way. or at least the most realistic one for me, to make a living. And then, in an instant, looking out into a crowd as I was playing, I saw a gentleman (whom I didn't know) and understood why I was there. It was for him. But in him I also saw everyone, outside of myself, beyond the motivation that I enjoy playing piano, or that it provides some benefit to me. Outside of myself. It truly turned my world, or at least my internal landscape, upside down. To realize that I am playing piano not for me, but for the man/woman in the audience. For the connection that is made. For the benefit that is provided. The years that followed brought the gradual unfolding of what this means, and how it happens. And now, every time I play, I have the task, the opportunity, the joy, of connecting with someone. Or many people in a room, or concert venue, that can become as one. It's the same connection I make with the music every morning when I begin my practice routine. I've learned that the connection itself is outside of me, even as it is within me. And it is a place, or space to be shared. 
Yesterday I had the joy of performing in a small, invitation only house concert, and made a new friend, whom I invited to sit at the piano/keyboard with me to improvise together. Sophia experienced the shared space. I trust that this will inspire her as she continues on. 

Friday, August 10, 2018

Yesterday, I attempted another recording session toward my solo project that I intend to release later this year. Listening today, am warming up to parts of it. Yesterday, little, if any of it was working for me. Throughout the session, I had trouble settling into the space. And just that circumstance can pretty much insure that you won't find it. It's easy to self diagnose, looking back, and realize that I didn't really approach stillness. In the quiet anxiety of bypassing stillness, the path can be hard to find. Because it involves stillness. But the other thing I've come to learn is that an agenda driven circumstance can tend to bypass the moment that may present itself. As much as it is practical (and likely beyond that as well) I purpose to align myself with the moment I find. But going where it takes me might land me far afield from the outcome I sought. So then my task becomes to seek the outcome that presents itself. And when I fail, I can say thank you, and carry on.

Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Oops! I wrote this post 2 weeks ago and forgot to hit the publish button:
What a fun and productive weekend! On Friday, I had a duo concert with Danny Tobias at the 1867 Sanctuary, in Ewing NJ - the first of an ongoing series (once e/o month for now) where I perform with artists who have been Mainstay Monday guests (essentially exporting a bit of Mainstay Monday to another venue). On Saturday, I paid a visit to Chris Biondo's recording studio in Kensington, MD to work on two projects; Beth McDonald's original Christian Contemporary/Gospel release, and my new solo album. On Sunday, a duo concert with Chuck Redd at 49 West in Annapolis, MD (another venue where I'm in the rotation) inspired the artist's rendering above. And Monday night brought A listers Max Murray and Frank Russo to the Mainstay, to create a killer rhythm section. It's about staying on the path, and staying out of the way. I'm looking forward to what's to come.