Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Late Monday night, and now home. I had 3 sets yesterday (counting my solo set), and by early evening, we were having dinner at the airport (the San Luis Obispo airport restaurant is a pleasant surprise. I'll hope to eat there again). We began our "red-eye" excursion around 9pmPT, and ended in Phila around 7amET. This is the second time I've tried this, and it hasn't worked for me either time (I feel sick most of the rest of the day). The only good thing is being home with my family at night, and being able to put both of my younger children to bed. Makes a dad happy. Yesterday was a happy day too, in a different way. My solo set was well received, and another small step forward for me. The Midiri Brothers band had a good weekend, with good camaraderie among the guys. The rhythm section seems to be making it's own mark, as we continue to solidify around a melodic groove. Back in Ca. in 2 weeks. Now, back in the groove here.


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