Back in the (portion of my) "world" that is largely out of the public view. Over the last few years, I have shifted my energies away from networking in this realm (and am now focusing on promoting and securing public "Piano Improvisation" concerts). Nonetheless, a significant portion of my daytime activities remain devoted to working with seniors as a music therapist. This will always remain much of the most fulfilling work I will ever perform. In nursing homes/health care communities I spend some of my time in one to one visitation with residents (often selected because they are too ill to participate in group activities). Each community maintains a documentation book for me, and today I walked into a facility in Atco NJ to find Nancy (the Activities Director) had reworked my book. Though a coincidence, I still found it amusing that the "Joe Holt's Notes" concept has now followed me into the nursing home. Actually, it's all music "therapy", really, and very much so for me (ultimately) as well.
Joe - It's wonderful to stumble on your blog and learn about your work in Southern NJ. I am a music therapist in central NJ and am interested in connecting with others in private practice. Are you a member of the NJ Association for Music Therapy? I'd love to know more about your work!
Carol Ann Blank
Carol Ann,
Thanks for your note. Am glad to connect with another music therapist. Though I know a few, my main networking community is that of gigging (primarily jazz) musicians. Music therapy "found me" when, earlier in my performing career, I realized that our music making is for the connections made with others. It all evolved (or, snowballed) from that point. I then augmented my education and gained the certification. I actually live in eastern Maryland. The facility in Atco NJ is actually the farthest point from home in my music therapy travels. I limit my practice to geriatrics, with a "music as therapy" approach, taking advantage of my own ability to connect to the culture of seniors artistically. The connections made are awesome!
Thanks again!
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