Corny joke of the day (which, atypically, is not attributed to my wife): Having this view of my keyboard at Beseme’ last weekend, a friend quipped that I’m “not playing with a full set”.
And yes, the king of clutter now stacks stuff on the upper end of his keyboard rather than fix his (chronically) broken music rack. It is what it is. As for the "gig"; now well into our second year as the Saturday night house band (for jazz night at Beseme'), what "it is" has evolved into something, indeed. Not a week goes by without "old friends" returning to share in the experience, and "unsuspecting newcomers" (often responding to the "live jazz" sidewalk sign) passing through the portal to find musicians; connecting with each other, and sharing the joy liberally (and usually leaving as new friends). The management and staff is as committed to the concept, as well as the substance of it all, as much as we (the musicians) are, which takes it to an even deeper level. As Mike McShane likes to put it, we "sling it out there". And no one's complaining.
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