Monday, January 28, 2008

Just completed a couple of nights with the Midiri band at the Golden Inn, in Avalon, NJ. Over the last 10 tears or so, we have played (at least) several dozen of these getaway package promotions. I say we, but, in recent years, I "gave up my seat" (for pragmatic reasons), and now I just sub here for Pat Mercuri (the regular guitarist) when he isn't available. When the children were little, we always looked forward to all coming down for a (off season, so no swimming) weekend at the beach. Giving up the regular call was a hard decision, but was the means that cleared my schedule to accept the staff position at the Chestertown Church of the Nazarene that I held for 3 years. At any rate, whenever I am here, I always try to take a walk on the beach. It's a good place to "encounter" God.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Just a brief check in here. Today we topped 25,000 views on my YouTube videos (from June '07)! Let's see if we can't double that by my one year "anniversary" :)
Been getting some cool ideas/inspirations. We'll see which of these "bears fruit".
Yesterday was the last in a )short) string of "gig-less" days. Don 't have enough of them. It was really nice to be home. Although still burning the candle at, at least, one end, it was also a time of consistent family (evening) meals, movies (okay, I watched 2 - but that's an improvement!), and games (finally understand Sudoku - wonder if that means I'm ready to understand music editing software?). Speaking of out of the ordinary - for, at least, the short term, I (along with bassist Dave Ross) have picked up a steady restaurant gig (which works now, before the heavy travelling kicks in). The Inn at 202 Dover, in Easton, Md, is implementing a kind of "supper club" context. We start with Thursdays, beginning on 1/31. Stop in, if it works.
Been getting some cool ideas/inspirations. We'll see which of these "bears fruit".
Yesterday was the last in a )short) string of "gig-less" days. Don 't have enough of them. It was really nice to be home. Although still burning the candle at, at least, one end, it was also a time of consistent family (evening) meals, movies (okay, I watched 2 - but that's an improvement!), and games (finally understand Sudoku - wonder if that means I'm ready to understand music editing software?). Speaking of out of the ordinary - for, at least, the short term, I (along with bassist Dave Ross) have picked up a steady restaurant gig (which works now, before the heavy travelling kicks in). The Inn at 202 Dover, in Easton, Md, is implementing a kind of "supper club" context. We start with Thursdays, beginning on 1/31. Stop in, if it works.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Have been enjoying being home, in an unusual string of days of no gigging. Lots to do, of course, but am enjoying going between things, picking and choosing, "business" and "personal". Came across a thought from a couple of weeks ago: "Here’s how I see myself: Jazz may describe, but not contain me. I wish not to be known by a style or label - but by the connections made by the music I perform." Am increasingly persuaded that these connections - at least for now - are to continue to be maintained and perpetuated thru personal networking. In other words: to continue what I'm doing, and to develop that more fully.
Got a nice surprise a few days ago:
This performance took place in June of '06, only weeks after the initial "enlightenment" about performance as a spiritual discipline, and the resultant "born-again-like" experience of freedom. I knew this existed on video, but was not able to acquire it (though I tried), as I really wanted this to kick off my youtube channel. Now, instead, it (practically) closes out my initial channel, as I move on to a new channel for 2008. Cool.
Got a nice surprise a few days ago:
This performance took place in June of '06, only weeks after the initial "enlightenment" about performance as a spiritual discipline, and the resultant "born-again-like" experience of freedom. I knew this existed on video, but was not able to acquire it (though I tried), as I really wanted this to kick off my youtube channel. Now, instead, it (practically) closes out my initial channel, as I move on to a new channel for 2008. Cool.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Made a deliberate determination to leave the last post at the "top of the pile" for a few days (so it would be noticed immediately, and found without having to "dig"), and apparently time got away from me. Sorry about that. I'm still here, and enjoying the gigs of the new year. The past week was especially busy (early January often is) and uplifting, as well as instructive, to me. One highlights of the new year, thus far, is the long planned and anticipated inauguration of a jazz vespers series at the First Church of the Nazarene in Newark, De. Click on the video link, and choose the 2008 page for some youtube posts from yesterday's service. I just finished typing the video description to one of the posts (Smoke Gets in Your Eyes), which became somewhat of an apologetic. It reads, in part:
"Jazz today can mean as many things as there are people giving consideration to it, it seems. For the informed, and the "practitioners", the diversity of opinion often lies in the many points in the development/evolution of the art form that one can "hang their hat". It is not the case, I, and many, would argue - that the "cutting edge", or the fully developed "vocabulary", or any other "litmus test" defines true jazz, and all but the current/contemporary expressions serve as "museum pieces". Not at all. Every point (in the development of anything) is encased in a validity that does not diminish or fade (though it may lose it's cultural connection). Case in point: in this selection, the improvisation is more "guarded", and is formed, in large part, of statements and embellishments of the (toon's original) melody. Because the musicians chose to take this approach - which is grounded in jazz history, and not in sync with contemporary practice - does it become less "jazz", or less "valid"? No (unless your approach to art is akin to a religious fundamentalist - who requires agreement with a certain and specific "truth" before "the hand of" fellowship is extended), and - No (unless you believe that your own personal "litmus test" is more important than the genuine connections that are made)."
It was a fun and fulfilling evening, and there will be 3 more vespers services over the coming months. Come and check it out, if you're nearby.
"Jazz today can mean as many things as there are people giving consideration to it, it seems. For the informed, and the "practitioners", the diversity of opinion often lies in the many points in the development/evolution of the art form that one can "hang their hat". It is not the case, I, and many, would argue - that the "cutting edge", or the fully developed "vocabulary", or any other "litmus test" defines true jazz, and all but the current/contemporary expressions serve as "museum pieces". Not at all. Every point (in the development of anything) is encased in a validity that does not diminish or fade (though it may lose it's cultural connection). Case in point: in this selection, the improvisation is more "guarded", and is formed, in large part, of statements and embellishments of the (toon's original) melody. Because the musicians chose to take this approach - which is grounded in jazz history, and not in sync with contemporary practice - does it become less "jazz", or less "valid"? No (unless your approach to art is akin to a religious fundamentalist - who requires agreement with a certain and specific "truth" before "the hand of" fellowship is extended), and - No (unless you believe that your own personal "litmus test" is more important than the genuine connections that are made)."
It was a fun and fulfilling evening, and there will be 3 more vespers services over the coming months. Come and check it out, if you're nearby.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Now here is something really cool.
The end of the video will provide some context - and going to the post for this video (by clicking on it) will add more.
Zach (Zachoreeno on youtube) is a 14 yr old (I think) pianist who, in addition to his classical studies, enjoys the likes of Harry Connick Jr. and others. Apparently searching for versions of"Sunny Side of the Street" some weeks ago, he found mine - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sug5aeoXYF4 and registered a brief comment of approval. Now aware of Zach, I visited his youtube channel, and saw a young talent who, in some important ways reminded me of myself at his age. I left my own little comment of encouragement (and approval) and went on my way. Toady, Zach's father e-mails me:
"A while back you were kind enough to respond to my son Zachary (aka Zachoreeno)YouTube posting of Godfather Jazz style, and I thank you for your kind words. You have encouraged and inspired him. He recently recorded 'Sunny Side of the Street' and he gives a nod to you and Harry Connick Jr as his inspirations. I thought you might want to see it..."
Go ahead, play it, it's pretty neat. Good job Zach!
At the time that I was engrossed in the "Do You Hear What I Hear" concert project, and living the role of providing inspiration/motivation to those physically present around me, this little seed was out there (out of earshot) doing it's thing. Way cool! Just wanted to share. Now go on, check out more of Zach. I'll be here when you get back :)
The end of the video will provide some context - and going to the post for this video (by clicking on it) will add more.
Zach (Zachoreeno on youtube) is a 14 yr old (I think) pianist who, in addition to his classical studies, enjoys the likes of Harry Connick Jr. and others. Apparently searching for versions of"Sunny Side of the Street" some weeks ago, he found mine - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sug5aeoXYF4 and registered a brief comment of approval. Now aware of Zach, I visited his youtube channel, and saw a young talent who, in some important ways reminded me of myself at his age. I left my own little comment of encouragement (and approval) and went on my way. Toady, Zach's father e-mails me:
"A while back you were kind enough to respond to my son Zachary (aka Zachoreeno)YouTube posting of Godfather Jazz style, and I thank you for your kind words. You have encouraged and inspired him. He recently recorded 'Sunny Side of the Street' and he gives a nod to you and Harry Connick Jr as his inspirations. I thought you might want to see it..."
Go ahead, play it, it's pretty neat. Good job Zach!
At the time that I was engrossed in the "Do You Hear What I Hear" concert project, and living the role of providing inspiration/motivation to those physically present around me, this little seed was out there (out of earshot) doing it's thing. Way cool! Just wanted to share. Now go on, check out more of Zach. I'll be here when you get back :)
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Happy New Year!
Had a "triple" last night - first time for New Year's Eve. A little bit of a grind, but, for the most part, quite satisfying. Met someone at my later (public) gig who came to the December production at the Prince. He (like everyone else, including us) was moved by the performance. it felt like we (as performers) had a special secret in our grip, that we got to share with whomever would enter the Theatre. We'll see where it all goes from here. Have you checked out the youtube playlist yet? The entire show - mostly Sunday's performance - is posted (in 19 individual video clips) on a "playlist". Go to the main page for my 2007 youtube site, and you'll find it there. Also - you may notice, when you click the video link (above, or from my website) that you are now directed to the "Joe Holt's Notes Cinema" page, where you can choose between my 2007 performance channel, or my new 2008 channel (video coming soon). 21,000 views now (in 7 months), and still growing! It's a cool thing.
Had a "triple" last night - first time for New Year's Eve. A little bit of a grind, but, for the most part, quite satisfying. Met someone at my later (public) gig who came to the December production at the Prince. He (like everyone else, including us) was moved by the performance. it felt like we (as performers) had a special secret in our grip, that we got to share with whomever would enter the Theatre. We'll see where it all goes from here. Have you checked out the youtube playlist yet? The entire show - mostly Sunday's performance - is posted (in 19 individual video clips) on a "playlist". Go to the main page for my 2007 youtube site, and you'll find it there. Also - you may notice, when you click the video link (above, or from my website) that you are now directed to the "Joe Holt's Notes Cinema" page, where you can choose between my 2007 performance channel, or my new 2008 channel (video coming soon). 21,000 views now (in 7 months), and still growing! It's a cool thing.