This is the view from the back of the main building of the Heron Point retirement community, in Chestertown (MD). Like most of the communities I serve, I've been around for awhile (in this case, since around 1994). Plenty of time to fine interesting places to take walks. This walking pier juts out to the Chester River (you can make out the Gazebo in the middle of the photo if you use your imagination). Have always enjoyed the beauty of creation, and, living near the ocean, have taken to the calm and peaceful majesty of the water to remind me of the work, presence, and hand of God. We didn't plan to move to Chestertown nearly 10 years ago, but, through providential circumstances, found ourselves living backed up to a small creek that flows from the other side of this river not far from here. We were hooked. If the tide was in, you could put a canoe in the water and paddle out to the river. Did that once (in a borrowed canoe). No real desire to be a boater, just to enjoy the beauty. We now live on the other side of the river, but upstream a little, and about 1/4 mile in. No more view, but it's never far away. Beauty, majesty, and peace are never far away. Usually, you just have to open your eyes.
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