In the green room at the Milton Theatre just before hit on Saturday night. Pictured from left to right, Dave Schiff, Mike McShane, John Ewart (Holly Lane not pictured - just her purse). This was a wonderful (and intense) evening and experience, on many levels. The time was right for this to happen. I have been with "Shore Jazz" (Mike, Holly, and John) for about 3 years, during which time personal, professional, and artistic rapport has grown. I've known Dave (always enjoying the opportunities to gig together) for many years, and with his recent move to lower Delaware, he has enthusiastically jumped on board. Due to an unusual circumstance at the theatre, we put this concert on the schedule with less than a month's lead time. Not cool, generally, unless you have performers with a long history of connection to the "neighborhood" (excluding me - I'm a "commuter"), and the drive and commitment of Mike McShane, who made the highly improbable (under the circumstances) happen: a sellout house. We gave a strong performance (with some exceptional moments), and the audience returned the love. New opportunities are now on the horizon for the group, both at and beyond the Milton. I'm happy to be a part of it.
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