Thursday, August 30, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
The recording/CD production "realm" is kicking back into gear now. Am working with Ned (my graphics dude) on the design for "Do You See What I See". The mastering session (where we create the final recording to be duplicated) is scheduled for mid-September, and the CD should be available in plenty of time for Christmas (also, the Prince Theatre Christmas show; built around my 2 Christmas CDs is taking shape. it's going to be really cool!). More recording in addition - this time with the Midiri Brothers and crew. I'll keep you posted on that one as well. As for my schedule; next week is a little slow (to be expected) - then, it takes off! I'll be poking at the schedule page on my site over the coming weeks to try and catch up (with the new bookings). Now, time to get ready for the gig.
Friday, August 17, 2007
"There is a reason that the youtube posting has only begun now, and with (almost exclusively) video starting in January of this year. and it is because now, I am ready. There has always been this connection/depth/substance/uniqueness, in my playing, almost since the beginning. I have followed a unique and God-directed path here. Even over 20 years ago (while dating) my wife (who has little use for jazz, and "modern" playing) would tell me how I am unique from others, because "the piano is an extension of my arm", and I pour myself in. The problem is that I have struggled throughout to gain access to this "place", and very often would find myself tied up in knots on stage, and seldom reaching any level that I occasionally would, and knew was there; as did anyone who played/worked with me. One bandleader found this glaring inconsistency with me very frustrating, and called it my "constipation". The reason I feel as I do now about myself, and the potential I have for uplifting others on a larger scale, is because of the "healing" I have experienced from this "bondage" - starting (but not really) in June of last year. With this healing, I can take a video camera to any gig, and be confident that some worthwhile playing will be filmed. With this healing, I can go into the recording studio knowing that I can record (essentially) an entire album (in this case "Do You Hear What I Hear" - the first "post-enlightenment" studio recording") in one session. With this healing, I can have an "off day" and have nothing to be embarrassed about. This is so radically different from before that it cannot be overstated: especially in recordings, where I couldn't connect to save my life. Many things have come together to allow for the "epiphany", that essentially was this realization: When reaching within myself to get "it", I was reaching in the wrong direction, and, for the most part, making matters worse. It is in escaping myself, and self-bondage, and making the "spiritual" - almost (and I truly liken it to this) out-of-body connection, that I am released from self focus, and free to connect with the God-given gift and potential; as God is now much more "part of the process", am I am learning how to "get out of the way". I have likened this to an "artistic born-again experience". "
That kind of sums it up.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
I've been listening intently to the collection of improvisations; recorded each week prior to the radio show recording. If I can get the funds together, I'm going to release a project. Perhaps I'm on to something even more than I realize. It's difficult for me to be objective here, but we may soon know. What would be cool is to get this out at the same time as the Christmas CD. We'll see.
Sunday, August 05, 2007

A third post today. Was able to meet up with my old pal George (a competitive cyclist, do you think?) who has lived in California for near to 30 years now. We still stay in touch, and it just happened that he was competing in a race in San Diego today. Although he lives way north of here, the festival was on his way home, so he stopped by for awhile. Believe it or not, George was the original vocalist for "A Couple of Joes Trio". Our funniest moment from that era, perhaps, was when Joe instructed George to say to Joe on mic "Gee Joe, your hair's getting thin", to which Joe would respond, "Well who wants fat hair?". Bad, I know, but made much better when George misread the memo and said: "Gee Joe, you're getting thin!". No one could talk for awhile.
Chick Corea Akoustic Band - How Deep is the Ocean
Just watched this; pretty amazing, really. The festival is winding down now. Our contribution is complete, and I am back in my room. We don't fly out until tomorrow morning, so I can take my time and also (hopefully) get some things done. While still at the Hilton, I took advantage of unused meal vouchers and ate a really good meal in the lobby restaurant: where there was a band venue (which we played 3 times this weekend). The old dixie stuff; where it's more about the cultural museum than the art was, honestly, starting to grate on me. When it's about being something else (a contrivance?) more than honest expression, it, at best, struggles for authenticity. I could listen to Louis Armstrong all day, but, he wasn't here. Before coming back, I poked around the other venues, and enjoyed some of the individual musicians (particularly in the Titan Hot 7), but overall, had pretty much had enough. To my experience this weekend, we (the Midiri Brothers Sextet) were the most "progressive" band - if for no other reason (but there were some) than we played from the Artie Shaw "book". Good grief! Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for these opportunities (some festivals are more stuck in "fundamentalist trad" than others - some refuse to book our band - some are very open), I'm just venting a little, and I hope it doesn't get me in trouble :) I think, really, what we are doing here will define more and more the future of these festivals, and it seems that many acknowledge that. I'm grateful for how well the band was received, and also me individually. Watching this Chick Corea video did seem to balance things out a little. Or, perhaps, provide some artistic stimulation that I didn't get here. Don't think I'm being too harsh now. Really, it's all good - when it's good.