Thursday, March 20, 2008
Had a wonderful experience yesterday, beginning a new music therapy contract in a Wilmington, De nursing facility. I’ve a long standing relationship there, but only as an "entertainer". In recent months, the AD and I have been talking, at first, casually, about creating a regular schedule which would include 1:1 visits, and now we have made it happen. 4 new residents (to visit each time I go to the facility), and 4 striking responses. As positive as could be. It was exhilarating, gratifying, humbling, and affirming. It all comes together to smack me to realize the importance of this "stripe" of what I do, and my calling to continue on it. I was not planning to cease, but had determined to let attrition set in, and condense my time in this realm (also, stopping all networking/sales work here, instead devoting it all to the public events, and broader audiences). As is often the case, I have moved out ahead of myself. Though I am at a new and substantive (it seems) "place" in artistic expression, it’s not like that triggers a red carpet to be rolled out for me. Of course, I know that, but that doesn’t keep my head from clouding up a little. With regard to the nursing home work: I am aware of the reality that, at a certain point in time, the percentage of "next-generation" seniors will be such that the cultural connection (big-band era-ish) I can make with the residents will no longer be valid. Again, running ahead of myself. Still more work to do, and still time to do it. I took the video camera today to an assisted living facility, and captured this connection (thru the musical expression), and will try to post from this in the coming days. Sometimes I spend too much time gazing at the periphery. I’m not saying I’m not moving forward with growth in the realm of public events, just that there’s still more good to be accomplished (at the same time, perhaps) where I already am. This has been made abundantly clear to me. Speaking of public events, I have learned that I will be given a solo concert slot at the Prince Theatre (Chestertown, Md) in the fall, perhaps November. This will be a good "test" of the weight of these connections (meaning, in part, how many will come). Feeling good tonite, and not hiding God from my own view.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Late on Tuesday evening. Past 35,000 total youtube views today. Looks like I am on track for my goal of 50,000 views by the one-year mark (6/3). Am struggling with some decisions, and the realization that a weakening economy may play a role in these decisions. We'll see. Had 2 senior community gigs today in which I felt strongly connected. I'm really enjoying the solo playing these days.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Time has gotten away from me again. Just to clarify, that is often true whether or not I am busy. Time is the turtle that wins the race, while I, the rabbit (okay...okay...) run in circles, keeping my eye on the starting line as I progress sideways. What..? least I wrote an entry today!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008

Upon leaving Monterey this morning, I found myself seated with Bob Draga (clarinetist for the Titan Hot Seven) in the turboprop puddle-jumper to San Francisco, where I had a 4 hour layover. Bob was kind enough to sign me in (to an environment much more relaxing than the public area of the airport). The festival was a success for the Midiri band, who will most certainly be adding this stop to their growing itinerary. I also consider it a success for me, as I was able to overcome my "hearing" problem on stage thru the "spiritual" approach I have been learning; and played probably my best (and certainly most consistent) of all the festivals to date. Feels like it's going in the right direction. Met lots of nice people, too - and saw familiar faces and friends. Hi Gary and Ruthie!
Sunday, March 09, 2008

Saturday evening now (my laptop is still on east coast time, so it thinks it's later than it really is - relatively speaking). We have completed 6 out of 8 sets/shows, with 2 more to go tomorrow. This has been (for the most part) very nice. I enjoyed the quiet day of travel, the quality pianos (better than any other festival so far), hanging with my friend, Gary (til 2am, or was it 5am? - my body is confused), and making the music. I threw the video camera up for one set, which happened to be our best (early this afternoon). I'll make it a priority to check it out when I get home, and get a post up from here. The above photo was taken from the pier when I ventured out this afternoon for the obligatory bowl of clam chowder (we are in Monterey, California). Now, I'll go poke my head into the room with the "jam session" (which I usually avoid - I'll attempt an explanation another time), and then grab the shuttle back to our hotel. We lose an hour of sleep tonite (or maybe an hour of drinking for some of the guys), so I'll try to curb the night owl tendencies.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Festival time! So far, so good in the travel department. Am awaiting my puddle-jumper connection in San Fransisco to Monterey. Again, I'm travelling apart from the rest of the crew, but hopefully, we'll all get there (unlike last trip) when we're supposed to. This time the alternative travel was on purpose, as I chose to fly out of BWI instead of Phila. Closer to home, and so much nicer! Other then feeling zombie-esque from being up from 3am (equivalent to midnight here) with insufficient sleep, it's all going great. I'm enjoying the tranquility. Was supposed to take Charie' with me, until I discovered that we booked her over her school play. She (and I) was/were disappointed at first, but now looking forward to trying again for Mammoth in July. I'm missing my gig at the Inn at 202 Dover tonite, but Dave got Jim Lester to sub. I'm sure the music will be fine. Ooh, look, a row of seats opened up to lie down....
Monday, March 03, 2008
Late on Sunday night. Sorry about letting the past week and a half slip by. Enjoyed the third "installment" (one more to go) of the Jazz Vespers Service series at Newark Nazarene this evening. Although I am behind in my YouTube posting, with a significant backlog (and not only here), this is one of those that gets moved to the front of the line (top of the pile). In a case like this, I try to get the first post up the same evening. Am ripping the video now as I write. A little Midiri (wabbit) season here, with a public concert in South Jersey last night, the Vespers tonight, and a trip to Monterey Ca (Jazz Bash By the Bay) this weekend. Am flying out Thursday morning (will leave my house around 4:30am), seperate from the rest of the band (which led to problems last trip, but hopefully not this time). Much to do in the meantime, as the landscape is cluttered. Need to rake the leaves.