
The marquis for (this past) Sunday night's concert. Watched some of the video (taken from the video booth on the church's equipment), and am pleased with what I saw/heard. It is gratifying that others (based on what they tell me) are recognizing what is apparent to me: that I am in a new (or deeper, perhaps) place. One friend describes it as "flying free now". Not to be too dramatical, though :) Suffice to say, the expression continues to mature, and it is humbling, because I did not get here on my own, nor can I do this "myself". There is a long way to go, but I feel the communication is making sense (connection with the listener) more than ever. Can you tell I'm enjoying this?
Speaking of video, I'm in the middle right now of posting from one of my health/nursing center programs. Even though the video is taken from an odd angle (of necessity), this new post of "Stars Fell on Alabama" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FFQS6M-cI8 really does capture that Dave McKenna "spirit", and so it now gets a slot in the "In the Spirit of Dave McKenna" playlist. Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=38A6077C2E4387B2
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