Thursday, August 19, 2010

Have a few weeks off the cruise boat now. Really enjoyed Tuesday night, and the solid connection and rapport with the passengers. One gentleman said afterward: "Did you know that the people are leaving younger than when they came in?" Cool! In these performances, and in general, I sense myself getting ever deeper (and more reliably) into that detachment place (where, as Kenny Werner puts it, you "observe yourself" playing). It's something that for all these years, I'd been going in the wrong direction (toward myself, rather than "away") to try to dig more deeply. I guess that when you dig, you get dirt! And, when you float away, you can swim in the clouds! When I finally began to understand that "concentration" is the barrier, and not the portal, the light began to stream into the room (of my space). Still many barriers remain, but finally, an opening; that I can reliably return to, time after time. Again - cool!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Facebook is wonderful for finding old friends, and influential people. The other day I came across my high school band director (for 2 years, from 1974 to 1976), Paul Mayberry. I am not alone in appreciating his generosity and encouraging spirit, at a time in life when these things can be huge. Having a hard time being concise with my reflections here, so I'll keep it simple: Thank you Mr. Mayberry!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Look on the right, and find a girl who spotted me taking her picture. Yesterday, Carol, Robbie, Charie (hiding), and I went to the New Candlelight Theater in Wilmington to see a production of The Wizard of Oz. We all really enjoyed it. My friend, Jim Conte (former music director of the Presbyterian Church of Chestertown) played the Wizard, which facilitated our knowledge of this theater, and show. It was very nice to just sit back and take it all in. Got to respect the hard work and dedication of these (and all) actors. Inspiring, really. We all strive and struggle (some of us more than others) to find our place/niche. If you read some of this blog, you may conclude that I am among them. Hope so. And among those finding their place in this world is the girl hiding in the picture above. She turns 18 today! (Lions and tigers and bears) Oh My!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
On board the "American Spirit", in Cambridge MD, after my show last night. Courtney (left) and Melissa (right) take good care of their guests, and have fun in the process. I'm happy to have this association now, with American Cruise Lines. It seems a perfect fit. Admittedly, though, this is one of those things that "just happens", apart from any purposeful intervention on our part. I would not have known about this opportunity, were it not for being placed by the Prince Theatre (when they were contracted to book the entertainment when the Spirit cam to Chestertown, for the first time, this summer). Certainly a "right place at the right time" deal. What makes a impression on me, though (and does continually), is the idea of being prepared for whatever is gurgling just underneath the radar screen. It seems that "auditions" (for whatever) probably happen more frequently than we are aware of, and, to successfully be at "the right place at the right time" does involve something deliberate and premeditated on our part - being ready. At the core, though, the hand and mind of God, understanding and orchestrating far more than we could ever begin to.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
In the spirit, I guess, of the multiple YouTube channels (only me, right), I've also branched out on Facebook. I like the potential for interaction and dialogue on the pages - similar to the idea of commenting on the blog, but more focused. With the (re-)launch of "Lessons for the Thoughtful Pianist", I opened a Facebook page, and before that, one for 'Stories Without Words". I suppose we now refer back to Monday's entry on this blog for perspective here :)
"Networking" is the "marketing tool" of choice for "little people" like me (and often, the only reasonable option). I'm enjoying getting the word out in this manner, and the back and forth of it all. If you haven't yet, check out my "Lessons for the Thoughtful Pianist", and "Stories Without Words" Facebook pages, and (if you are really behind the curve -smile-) my Musician page. Hope you "like" them.
"Networking" is the "marketing tool" of choice for "little people" like me (and often, the only reasonable option). I'm enjoying getting the word out in this manner, and the back and forth of it all. If you haven't yet, check out my "Lessons for the Thoughtful Pianist", and "Stories Without Words" Facebook pages, and (if you are really behind the curve -smile-) my Musician page. Hope you "like" them.
Monday, August 09, 2010

Monday morning, and time to organize my world. Good luck, perhaps. Actually, am feeling pretty good about this, from the perspective of personal growth. That's what it's all about, right? Growth, progress, awareness. It's probably fair to say that my brain approaches (near) continual overdrive compared to what some will call "normal" (you think?). Some of us (you know who you are) are routinely challenged by those not of our galaxy to "stop over-thinking". Years ago, I actually tried to apply that script. Now, it seems to me, that the path to clarity is through who we are, and not (necessarily) some societal median. It's been fun, in recent years, working toward "coralling" my inner workings, rather than suppressing. The problem, I've learned, is not in the "over-thinking, but the "over-expressing". Monophonic linear (verbal) expression is usually an insufficient documentation of a given moment in my brain. Stepping back, and summarizing whatever "big picture" I am observing, usually works well, as long as I remember to do it :)
Friday, August 06, 2010
How cool is this? Last night (Wednesday - it's after midnight now) was my first trip down to Cambridge to meet up with the American Spirit (same ship and crew as when I met them in Chestertown) on their current route. I was greeted by Courtney (pictured) who displayed her "Joe Holt scarf" (if you look closely, you can see the piano keys). She'll be wearing it Tuesday (she told me) when I meet the ship again.
The shows for the passengers are "connecting" really well, and I'm (we're) having a lot of fun here. The environment is warm and comfortable, the guests are engaging and appreciative, and the staff is professional and friendly. Thanks to Melissa, who (thoroughly) takes care of everything for me, and to Courtney, for the nice surprise.
Sunday, August 01, 2010