Thursday, March 15, 2007

Just a brief check in here. I'm sitting in the activity office of an assisted living community that I regularly visit, and doing what I so often do , that messes my schedule up (daily); trying to do (or cram) "one more thing". A professional friend of mine (whom I'm choosing not to name), with whom I deeply identify, and whose professional life is similarly structured to mine, says about himself something to the effect of; "I'm the most inefficient person I know". Funny, because he's such a go-getter with a successful business, but I understand. To be a creative thinker often comes at a price. My own inefficiency can be deeply frustrating, but the creative "zone" that my temperament has carved out (the flip side) is equally rewarding, and more so. I'm having fun (unless I'm trying to organize things, or anything like that). Like I've said: not talent, but imbalance.


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