Happy 100th anniversary to the Boy Scouts!
A little personal reflection here. I was a reluctant Boy Scout, nearly 40(!) years ago. Some time back, I took one of those personality profile exams that explains everything (related to this): every preferred activity I selected was indoors. Not that I don't enjoy nature. It's just usually through a window. Despite this, my (career military) dad was forceful in his presentation of "finishing what I started". I suppose I might win the poll for "most unlikely to have earned the rank of Eagle Scout". To go even further out into left field, I made it at age 13 (2 years into "official" scouting, after 3 years in Cub Scouts and Webelos). I suppose it proves that I am capable of putting my mind to something, and getting it done. Of all the things scouting taught me, that's probably the biggest take-away.
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